According to ecommerce week, mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic for the first time.

Smartphones and tablets are taking 36% of all UK e-retail traffic and 40% for clothing. This is unlikely to be a shock to most people.

The IMRG Capgemini Quarterly Benchmarking Report which examines about 40 retailers has stated that checkout abandonment has dropped to a record low of 27%. Ecommerce week says ‘sales completed on a mobile device, smartphones account for around 18%, while tablets account for 82%, based on the data sample from the IMRG Capgemini m-Retail Sales Index.’

The drop in checkout abandonment is good news for ecommerce website shop owners, this is a headache for all and keeping the customer right through to a sale is a complicated and a hit and miss process, things like keeping the customer on the website using a SSL certificate which keep the transaction safe instead of a re-direct to say Paypal has determinable advantages – we’ve noticed this with some of our customer ecommerce website shops; one very new customer had a dramatic fall of 50% at the checkout due to an out of date SSL certificate and a re-direct…needless to say we took over and reverted this.

We are changing the way we shop, maybe its the spirit of the times and its a natural progress, especially with the convenience factor. Here at LVMedia we are focusing our time on mobile responsive ecommerce websites to make sure we keep with the times, who knows where mobile shopping will take us!

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